
How to be the change you want to see in the world

Cancel culture has become the expected knee jerk reaction to anyone who says or does the wrong thing. But cancel culture doesn’t have to be the only way. Here’s how American singer-songwriter took accountability and action when the disability spoke up about an ableist song lyric of hers.

August Diversity Dictionary Roundup

August Diversity Dictionary Roundup

For August’s Diversity Dictionary we partnered with Sulaiman Khan of @ThisAbilityLtd to share definitions that centre the voices and experiences of disabled people. In the process of creating these posts for August and partnering with This Ability, we at TOB HQ learned so much about our own non-disabled privilege.

Furlough and bias: An open letter to business leaders facing tough decisions

Furlough and bias: An open letter to business leaders facing tough decisions

Business leaders are facing some of the toughest people-related decisions of their careers. One for which there is no blueprint, no guidelines. It is a great unknown. Whether having to furlough staff, give out redundancies or simply lay them off, there is something those decision-makers need to be aware of more than ever: unconscious bias.