#TOBcommunity Spotlight: Ishita Ranjan


Welcome to our #TOBcommunity spotlight series! We're so proud and constantly in awe of the incredible work our community members do every day. So we’ve created a new regular community spotlight series as a way to share that work with the wider world - on our social media platforms and on our blog.

First up is Ishita Ranjan, who runs the incredible organisation Spark & Co. Read on to find out more about how she supports and celebrates marginalised people.

What organisation(s) do you run or work for?

I run Spark and Co. - we’re a Covid-19 response organisation and community platform supporting people and communities who have been really hard hit by the pandemic. We provide information, support and lots of free workshops and resources.

How do you / your organisation support and celebrate marginalised people? 

Firstly, as a Covid-19 response organisation we were founded because of the massive impact the pandemic was having on marginalised people and communities. 

Our goal is always to reach those hardest hit and provide them with relevant and tailored support. Our resource hub has over 800 verified organisations on it, and we aim to bridge the gap between services / support and those who can't access them! 

Secondly, we massively believe in collaborating and championing people of colour who have either lived experience or professional expertise. 95% of the people and suppliers we work with are people of colour, and one third of our annual budget is invested in creating paid opportunities. We’re here to champion and connect! 

What can we expect from you in the coming months?

In the coming months, our work will be about enabling our users to thrive post pandemic. We’re launching our online members area where you can access amazing workshops, videos, guides on all sorts of topics - from wellbeing and resilience, to employability and your rights.

We’re also launching Spark Insights - our consultancy and training programme working with charities and social enterprises to enable them to build more meaningful and sustainable relationships with marginalised communities. 

What’s your secret superpower?

Working out how to squeeze the most out of things - like budgets, space and time!  

Favourite quote that sums up your philosophy on life: 

“We stand on the shoulders of giants” - because we really do, and all I need for inspiration on where I’m going is to look back at where I came from! 

Describe yourself in 3 words: 

How about 3 verbs? I am often found laughing, learning or building. 

The Other Box community, aka #TOBcommunity, is an intersectionally inclusive global community, where the voices and experiences of the most marginalised in society are prioritised. It’s a place where our members share opportunities, events, resources, and seek advice and support. Join us at www.facebook.com/groups/theotherbox