
Four Easy Tips On How To Be An Ally

Four Easy Tips On How To Be An Ally

Allyship. It’s a word that’s growing in popularity. But what does it mean? Put simply, allyship is when a person of privilege works together with a marginalised group for a more equal world. Marginalised and privilege are the two key words in that sentence.

June Diversity Dictionary Roundup

June Diversity Dictionary Roundup

The start of June saw the uprising of global Black Lives Matter protests in response to the public murdering of George Floyd in the US. June’s Diversity Dictionary words have sought to interrogate the ways in which we can all be allies to Black people but also the many ways in which we have all internalised messages of white dominance.

3 Tips For All Founders On The Changing Narrative

3 Tips For All Founders On The Changing Narrative

It’s always an honour to be invited to speak at events, and last Wednesday 17th July, Roshni and I were invited to speak at Good Girls Eat Dinner 4th birthday party. Founded by award-winning Creative Director Jo Wallace, Good Girls Eat Dinner’s sole mission is ‘to provide inspirational, kick ass, female role models across the creative industries’ and the room was filled with just that…